Real estate is our expertice since 1996
Why new office in Georgia?
Investing in international real estate is an increasingly popular.We always look for diversify in portfolio and potential for high returns. Georgian market can provide us with high return and good divercity
Software development for realestate.
Data rules the world, but who rules the data? We beleive that informative access and workflow efficiency are 80% of success. That is why we invest in Information and technology development for our teams and partners.
Educational programmes
In order to grow, You have to learn and have to teach, . We share our knowledge in our realty schools all around the world
Customer journey
Working with us, You can get all real-estate services at one place. Market analysis, property selection, evaluation, design work, maintanance, law and financial support are at Your service.
Our projects Portolio

Alexander Abramov
“ We love everything that we do”

Investment offers
In Batumi, Georgia

Our Represantation
for USA market

Individual real estate selection is our pasion